
S. Sherrell is a mystery one day you will all see who she really is but now you must play my game. One by one I will knock you down! You sir over there is first and your story i hope you will be ready. Which character are you, you will see real soon!

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Chains to my neck

Because of my ancestors i still suffer in silence. I still because racism is still alive I still suffer because of the color of my skin. I still suffer because of the color of my skin i still suffer because I am not light enough. I still suffer because I am to dark. I still suffer because I get told I look like a 60, year old woman. Why is that why can’t I love and embrace myself love and embrace my flaws love and embrace who I am. I still suffer in silence because of the chains on my neck. The chains are not there but the scars are still there. My ancestors were made to feel ashamed of who they were because of the color of they skin. Why not embrace why do I have to feel ashamed of who I am.


Should I be ashamed of who I am, because of the color of my skin. Should I be ashamed of my scars because of the color of my skin.

I fight because of my acne I fight because of my skin tone. I fight because I am a black woman. All my life I had to fight……..when a man looks at me he see’s his queen, but do I see a queen. In order to see what others see I have to embrace who I am.

I fight to be ashamed of who I am . All my life I had to fight. All my life I was mad to feel ashamed of who I am. I am the enemy in society eyes because I am a black woman.


I doubt myself everyday when I try and figure out the true mystery of who you really are. Sometimes I tell myself no I am going crazy then it happens again. As the days go by I start to doubt and wonder will I ever really get to be with you.

Then it happens again with a blink of the eye. I see you again are I get a notification.

When will this all end and when will we both can feel comfortable into being true to ourselves.

Getting off Depo Provera! Life After

I was on Depo for only three months and the damage it caused. Let me tell you in the past I nevered really went through the side effects as I did in 2013!
I went from 140 to almost 200 pounds! I am still fighting the after effects of the Depo Provera. I promise you if I would have known better I have not would have got on this shot.

Sometimes I feel like crying and hiding when I look at my body. I bloat all the time. I work out and try eating healthy as much as I can. Still doesn’t work, Depo is a poison something women really need to be aware and educated on.

I have lost weight and all but still not good enough I just want my body back. I feel better than what I use to feel Dont get me wrong but still. I can get better much better.

I survived Depo Provera but I am still fighting the side effects out my system!

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New direction

“My life is taking a new turn” blurted Diana ! I really don’t know where I am trying to go with this new journey ! But I can’t keep living this lie”

It was cold out that day as Diana and Laura were talking out in the city that day.

I bet your butt laughed” laura laughed loudly Seriously says Diana can you please just be serious with me for once ! I am about to lose my life husband ! Hell my maybe even my sanity! Ted is not going to be happy about this!

Just an idea for a story I am trying to write!

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Just because you grow up with a person does not mean they know you. I heard my sisters husband call me slow today. How can you when you have no where to live. I Dont know karma is real they both Dont get it! When will they get the picture its not so much of everyone else being the problem but maybe they are the probelm!

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How do you get out of a situation you have been dealing with for years. Yes I created a lot of burdens and mishapes but do I have to keep living in it.

Some people say family is good but I feel different. In order for me to succeed I have to do things I Dont want to do. When will I be able to be free from the negativity. When? I hope one day soon! I am working hard to get away from it.

People don’t want you to succeed are do good! Your family how I feel family can be your enemy!
I feel like that is the way for me! One day I will be free and hopefully real soon!

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I adore my author’s I really do. When Facebook introduced me to them a couple of years ago I was so excited and amazed.

What’s the problems no problem but I feel being an author you have to have good customer service! Like any other business I feel being an author and getting your talent creative work out there people need to have good customer service. Some of the author’s I cherish I have now defend them I still follow them but get turned off with horrible customer service.

Your fan’s are inviting you into they life and it can be a bit dwelling when your customer service sucks!

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